To book a full body skin check with our qualified team and gain peace of mind today, please select your nearest clinic location:
The Epichealth vision is to promote increased awareness of skin health and to deal with specific concerns about skin lesions for both individuals and employers who want to best educate their staff.
Things to consider when booking a full body skin check:
- If you have ever been sunburnt or work and play outdoors.
- If you have a newly developed or pre-existing skin condition or have developed a new spot that is different from other spots around it.
- If the condition or spot, mole or unusual freckle has changed in shape, size, or colour.
- If you have a sore that doesn’t heal.
- If you have any concerns regarding family history skin health.
- If you would like to get educated to best protect yourself and your skin.
In preparation for your appointment:
- We ask you to go over your entire body carefully, noting any new or suspicious-looking moles or concerns you may have.
- We ask you for your patient history which includes any past family history of skin conditions or cancers.
- Please ensure that all make up and nail varnish is removed prior to your appointment.
- Please allow approximately 1 hour for your appointment.
- Please ensure you bring your Medicare card and any other valid pension cards with you on the day of your appointment.
Further expertise:
Common skin conditions such as eczema and acne are managed well by most General Practitioners but at times review by a specialist is needed, especially when treatment fails, when it is no longer effective or if the diagnosis is in doubt. We treat both adults and children with a variety of skin conditions. The first consultation usually lasts approximately 30 min and subsequent consultations (if needed) 15 min.
- Atopic eczema.
- Psoriasis.
- Acne vulgaris.
- Rosacea.
- Seborrheic dermatitis.
- Cutaneous infections and infestations.
- Alopecia areata, vitiligo, lichen planus and other inflammatory disorders.